MRADSIM is growing

Beamide is very proud of being one of the companies selected by Sviluppumbria for the “Smart up 2021” project.

Thanks to this investment, sustained by the European Union, the Italian Republic, and the Umbria Region, through the Por Fesr Regional operational program, Beamide was supported during the analysis and development of MRADSIM.

MRADSIM is an intuitive software designed to simulate radiation effects on electronic, electromechanical, and organic components, which has received excellent feedback from companies and institutes that are already working with it.

Thanks to Sviluppumbria, who believed in it, the Mradsim software has been greatly improved.

We are extremely grateful to the supporters and coaches who have guided us through product development in all its variables.

A special thanks to Giuseppe Barberi, Simone Peruzzi, and Maurizio Fenn, who patiently accompanied us on this journey.